WHOIS Information
Reverse IP Lookup
Domain Location
DNS Lookup
Check DNS Records of Any Domain

Use our DNS Checker tool to validate the DNS records of any domain. This tool retrieves and displays the DNS records associated with a domain, offering valuable insights into its server configuration and Internet routing details.

Verify DNS Propagation

Our DNS Checker tool also enables you to check the DNS propagation status of your domain across multiple regions worldwide. With this, you can confirm if your DNS changes have been updated globally, ensuring your website's accessibility.

Access Historical DNS Records

With Pofii's DNS Checker, you can also access historical DNS records. This feature allows you to view past DNS configurations of a domain, aiding in troubleshooting or researching the domain's history.


How can I search for a domain name?

To search for a domain name, utilize Pofii's free Domain Hub tool. Simply input your desired domain name into the provided search box and click "Search." Our tool will promptly scan and present the availability status of the domain, alongside other important WHOIS information.

What is WHOIS and how can I use it to find domain ownership?

WHOIS is a tool that allows you to access information about a domain's registration. This includes the domain owner's contact details, registration date, and expiration date. Using Pofii's WHOIS tool, you can quickly find out who owns a domain, and other related information, enhancing your understanding of your digital environment.

How can I use the IP Reverse Lookup tool?

With Pofii's IP Reverse Lookup tool, you can uncover all the domain names hosted on a specific IP address. It's particularly useful in identifying other websites that share the same server, assessing potential security risks, and discovering shared hosting providers.

How can I use the DNS Checker tool?

Pofii's DNS Checker is a valuable tool that enables you to verify the DNS records of a domain. By inputting your domain name into the tool, it quickly scans and delivers the DNS records, providing valuable insights into your domain's configuration and propagation.

How do I find when a domain name expires?

Pofii's WHOIS tool also provides information about a domain's expiry date. After entering the domain name, the tool will deliver comprehensive WHOIS data, including the expiry date. This feature is critical for domain buyers and sellers, as well as for monitoring your own domains to avoid unexpected expirations.

What is the Domain Locator tool, and how can I use it?

The Domain Locator tool is part of Pofii's suite of resources that help you find the geographical location of a server where a specific domain is hosted. By inputting a domain name, you can discover its hosting location. This can be vital for various purposes, such as troubleshooting server issues, understanding your website's latency, or strategic planning for SEO.

How can I find out what domains are hosted on a specific IP address?

You can use Pofii's IP Reverse Lookup tool to find out what domains are hosted on a particular IP address. This feature is useful in identifying websites that share the same server, ensuring potential security risks are mitigated, and for understanding more about your hosting environment.

What are DNS records and how can I check them?

DNS records, or Domain Name System records, are instructions that guide internet browsers on how to access your website. They contain information about your domain name and its associated IP address. Pofii's DNS Checker allows you to view these records by simply entering your domain name into the tool, providing insights into your domain's configuration.